Inverse problems of the theory of separate-continuous images

  • V. K. Maslyuchenko Чернів. ун-т
  • V. V. Mikhailyuk Чернів. ун-т
  • О. V. Sobchuk Чернів. ун-т


The present paper investigates the problem of constructing a separately continuous function defined on the product of two topological spaces that possesses a specified set of points of discontinuity and the related special problem of constructing a pointwise convergent sequence of continuous functions that possesses a specified set of points of nonuniform convergence and set of points of discontinuity of a limit function. In the metrizable case the former problem is solved for separable $F_\sigma$-sets whose projections onto every cofactor is of the first category. The second problem is solved for a pair of embedded $F_\sigma$.


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How to Cite
MaslyuchenkoV. K., MikhailyukV. V., and SobchukО. V. “Inverse Problems of the Theory of Separate-Continuous Images ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 9, Oct. 1992, pp. 1209-20,
Research articles