Аппроксимационный метод в задачах механики для неоднородных наследственно-упругих тел

  • Є. С. Синайський


A boundary-value problem is considered for an inhomogeneous heredirarily elastic body. This problem is formulated in terms of a linear equation with an operator of fractional integration, partial derivatives with respect to time and space variables, and coefficients of polynomial type in one of the variables. An approximate solution of the problem is constructed by using Dzyadyk's a-method and the Laplace transformation. It is proved that the approximation error of the function and its derivatives decreases in geometric progression.
Як цитувати
СинайськийЄ. С. «Аппроксимационный метод в задачах механики для неоднородных наследственно-упругих тел». Український математичний журнал, вип. 46, вип. 9, Вересень 1994, с. 1234–1245, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/5640.