Fredholm Boundary-Value Problems with Parameter in Sobolev Spaces

  • E. V. Gnyp
  • T. I. Kodlyuk
  • V. A. Mikhailets


For systems of linear differential equations of order r, we study the most general class of inhomogeneous boundary-value problems whose solutions belong to the Sobolev space Wn+rp([a,b],m), where m,n+1 and p[1,). We show that these problems are Fredholm problems and establish the conditions under which these problems have unique solutions continuous with respect to the parameter in the norm of this Sobolev space.
How to Cite
Gnyp, E. V., T. I. Kodlyuk, and V. A. Mikhailets. “Fredholm Boundary-Value Problems With Parameter in Sobolev Spaces”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 67, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 584-91,
Research articles