Homogenization of a Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Problem in a Thick Periodic Junction of the Type 3:2:1

  • T. A. Mel'nik Київ. нац. ун-т iм. Т. Шевченка


We prove a convergence theorem and obtain asymptotic (as ε → 0) estimates for a solution of a parabolic initial boundary-value problem in a junction Ωε that consists of a domain Ω0 and a large number N 2 of ε-periodically located thin cylinders whose thickness is of order ε = O(N −1).
How to Cite
Mel’nik, T. A. “Homogenization of a Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Problem in a Thick Periodic Junction of the Type 3:2:1”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 52, no. 11, Nov. 2000, pp. 1524-33, https://umj.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/umj/article/view/4558.
Research articles