Some properties of biorthogonal polynomials and their application to Padé approximations

  • A. P. Holub


Transformations of biorthogonal polynomials under certain transformations of biorthogonalizable sequences are studied. The obtained result is used to construct Padé approximants of orders $[N−1/N],\; N \in ℕ,$ for the functions $$\tilde f(z) = \sum\limits_{m = 0}^M {\alpha _m } \frac{{f(z) - T_{m - 1} [f;z]}}{{z^m }},$$ where $f(z)$ is a function with known Padé approximants of the indicated orders, $T_j [f;z]$ are Taylor polynomials of degreej for the function $f(z)$, and $α_{ m, M} = \overline {1,M}$ are constants.
How to Cite
HolubA. P. “Some Properties of Biorthogonal Polynomials and Their Application to Padé Approximations”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 46, no. 8, Aug. 1994, pp. 977–984,
Research articles