Scattering matrix for the wave equation with finite radial potential in the two-dimensional space

  • A. L. Mil'man


Expressions for partial scattering matrices Sl(λ) are obtained for all naturall by using Adamyan's result, which establishes a universal relationship between the scattering matrix for the wave equation with finite potential in a even-dimensional space and the characteristic operator function of a special contraction operator, which describes the dissipation of energy from the region of the space containing a scatterer. It is shown that this problem can be reduced to the case of l=0 for all even l and to the case of l=1 for all odd l.
How to Cite
Mil’man, A. L. “Scattering Matrix for the Wave Equation With Finite Radial Potential in the Two-Dimensional Space”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 45, no. 6, June 1993, pp. 791–802,
Research articles