Smoothness of generalized solutions of the third boundary-value problem for an elliptic differential-difference equation

  • E. L. Tsvetkov


Unlike the case of elliptic differential equations, generalized solutions of elliptic differential-difference equations may be nonsmooth on an entire domain Q, only preserving smoothness on certain subdomains QrQ. The conditions are considered under which the generalized solutions of the third boundary-value problem remain smooth on the boundaries of the neighboring subdomains Qr.
How to Cite
Tsvetkov, E. L. “Smoothness of Generalized Solutions of the Third Boundary-Value Problem for an Elliptic Differential-Difference Equation”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 45, no. 8, Aug. 1993, pp. 1140–1150,
Research articles