Characterization of residual σ-algebras

  • A. A. Shor СКТБ Ин-та кибернетики АН Украины, Киев
  • A. E. Shor Ин-т кибернетики АН Украины, Киев


The behavior of residual σ-algebras is studied. For a probability space $(Ω, \mathfrak{F}, P)$ a new topology is introduced on the set $\mathfrak{F}$  of all σ-subalgebras. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the independence of events from the final σ-algebra are obtained in terms of mixing.


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How to Cite
Shor A. A., and Shor A. E. “Characterization of Residual σ-Algebras ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 8, Sept. 1992, pp. 1149-52,
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