Trivial differential equations in spaces $L_p, 0 < p< 1$

  • L. V. Popova Запоріз. ун-т


A description of the set $X_p$  of all solutions of the trivial Cauchy problem in $L_p, 0 < p< 1$ is presented. The principal result is Theorem 2, which asserts that $X_p$ is a closed subspace of the $p$ -Banach space $H_p$ of all curves in $L_p$ that satisfy a Hölder condition of order $р$  and emanate from relative to the $p$ -norm, which is equal to the minimal constant in the Hölder condition.


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How to Cite
Popova L. V. “Trivial Differential Equations in Spaces $L_p, 0 < P&lt; 1$”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 9, Oct. 1992, pp. 1238-42,
Research articles