Spatially-Homogeneous Boltzmann Hierarchy as Averaged Spatially-Inhomogeneous Stochastic Boltzmann Hierarchy

  • M. Lampis
  • D. Ya. Petrina


We introduce the stochastic dynamics in the phase space that corresponds to the Boltzmann equation and hierarchy and is the Boltzmann–Grad limit of the Hamiltonian dynamics of systems of hard spheres. By the method of averaging over the space of positions, we derive from it the stochastic dynamics in the momentum space that corresponds to the space-homogeneous Boltzmann equation and hierarchy. Analogous dynamics in the mean-field approximation was postulated by Kac for the explanation of the phenomenon of propagation of chaos and derivation of the Boltzmann equation.
How to Cite
LampisM., and PetrinaD. Y. “Spatially-Homogeneous Boltzmann Hierarchy As Averaged Spatially-Inhomogeneous Stochastic Boltzmann Hierarchy”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 54, no. 1, Jan. 2002, pp. 78-93,
Research articles