The solvability of a boundary-value periodic problem

  • Ya. B. Petrovskii
  • G. P. Khoma


In the space of functions B a 3+ ={g(x, t)=−g(−x, t)=g(x+2π, t)=−g(x, t+T3/2)=g(x, −t)}, we establish that if the condition aT 3 (2s−1)=4πk, (4πk, a (2s−1))=1, k ∈ ℤ, s ∈ ℕ, is satisfied, then the linear problem u u −a 2 u xx =g(x, t), u(0, t)=u(π, t)=0, u(x, t+T 3 )=u(x, t), ℝ2, is always consistent. To prove this statement, we construct an exact solution in the form of an integral operator.
How to Cite
PetrovskiiY. B., and KhomaG. P. “The Solvability of a Boundary-Value Periodic Problem”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 49, no. 2, Feb. 1997, pp. 302–308,
Research articles