On On the approximation of functions by Jacobi – Dunkl expansion in the weighted space $\mathbb{L}_{2}^{(\alpha,\beta)}$

  • O. Tyr Univ. Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
  • R. Daher Univ. Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco


UDC 517.5

We prove some new estimates useful in applications  for the approximation of certain classes of functions characterized by the generalized continuity modulus from the space $\mathbb{L}_{2}^{(\alpha,\beta)}$ by partial sums of the Jacobi – Dunkl series. For this purpose, we use the generalized Jacobi – Dunkl translation operator obtained  by Vinogradov in the monograph [Theory of approximation of functions of real variable, Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960) (in Russian)].


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How to Cite
TyrO., and DaherR. “On On the Approximation of Functions by Jacobi – Dunkl Expansion in the Weighted Space $\mathbb{L}_{2}^{(\alpha,\beta)}$”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 74, no. 10, Nov. 2022, pp. 1427 -40, doi:10.37863/umzh.v74i10.6275.
Research articles