Two-dimensional nonisotropic surfaces with flat normal connection and a nondegenerate Grassmann image of constant curvature in the Minkowski space

Keywords: surface with a flat normal connection,, Minkowski space,, Grassmann image


UDC 514.764

We find possible values of  curvature of the Grassmann manifold along the  planes tangential to the Grassmann image of a two-dimensional nonisotropic surface with flat normal connection in the four-dimensional Minkowski space. It is shown that if the surface with  flat normal connection is time-like, then the analyzed curvature may take values from the set $[0,1].$ However, if the surface with flat normal connection is space-like, then this curvature may take values from $(-\infty,-1]$ in the case of a space-like Grassmann image or the values from $[0,\infty)$ in the case of a time-like Grassmann image. The existence of two-dimensional nonisotropic surfaces with flat normal connection and constant curvature of their Grassmann image is proved for all values of curvature from the obtained sets.


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How to Cite
StegantsevaP., and GrechnevaM. “Two-Dimensional Nonisotropic Surfaces With Flat Normal Connection and a Nondegenerate Grassmann Image of Constant Curvature in the Minkowski Space”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 76, no. 4, Apr. 2024, pp. 533 -51, doi:10.3842/umzh.v74i4.6743.
Research articles