Integration of mappings of half-ordered rings

  • V. I. Sobolev Воронеж. ун-т
  • V. M. Shcherbin Воронеж. ун-т


Lebesgue type integrals of mappings f: E → X, where X is a semiordered ring and E R, over a measure with values lying in X are studied. Usual properties of the integral are proved, including theorems on limits under the integral as well as those on absolute continuity and complete additivity of the (u, v)-integral. A theorem on the existence of a solution of a differential equation with (u, v)-derivatives is proved.


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How to Cite
Sobolev V. I., and Shcherbin V. M. “Integration of Mappings of Half-Ordered Rings ”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 44, no. 4, Apr. 1992, pp. 547-55,
Research articles