The Poincare-Mel'nikov geometric analysis of the transversal splitting of manifolds of slowly perturbed nonlinear dynamical systems. I

  • A. K. Prykarpatsky
  • A. M. Samoilenko
  • O. Ya. Timchishin


On the basis of the geometric ideas of Poincaré and Mel'nikov, we study sufficient criteria of the transversal splitting of heteroclinic separatrix manifolds of slowly perturbed nonlinear dynamical systems with a small parameter. An example of adiabatic invariance breakdown is considered for a system on a plane.
How to Cite
Prykarpatsky, A. K., A. M. Samoilenko, and O. Y. Timchishin. “The Poincare-Mel’nikov Geometric Analysis of the Transversal Splitting of Manifolds of Slowly Perturbed Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. I”. Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 45, no. 12, Dec. 1993, pp. 1668–1681,
Research articles